Our Story


Welcome to Chakra & Co, a place where we celebrate the beauty of life and everything that brings us joy. Our business is a labor of love created by a mother-daughter team, driven by our passion to share soul-soothing products with all of you.

Chakra & Co is all about offering something truly special. We take immense pride in our range, which is exclusively our own brand. Each crystal in our collection holds deep meaning and is carefully chosen with intention. Our crystal intention candles are lovingly hand-poured, blending unique aromas that perfectly complement the healing properties of each crystal. Every single product we offer is handmade with love and crafted to the highest standards of quality.

Our journey began in April 2021 when we opened our very first Chakra & Co retail store. It was a dream come true, a space where our vision could come alive and serve as an escape from the outside world in the heart of the Hawkesbury. However, it hasn't always been smooth sailing for us.

Since the launch of our store, COVID lockdowns have forced us to temporarily close our doors, making it difficult to serve our beloved customers in person. We've also encountered unexpected floods that have prevented us from opening as well. But despite these setbacks, we remain resilient and determined to bring the magic of Chakra & Co to you, come what may.

 We believe that shopping with us should be an experience like no other. The ability to touch and feel the love and light infused into each product sets us apart. We genuinely appreciate each and every customer who walks through our doors, ensuring that they can witness firsthand the magic that makes our space truly exceptional.

Every encounter with amazing individuals fills us with immeasurable gratitude. We are firm believers that every person we meet has a purpose in our journey, and we feel incredibly blessed for the connections we forge along the way.

Whether you choose to visit our enchanting store in Richmond or explore our stunning products online, we invite you to immerse yourself in the love and light that radiates from every corner of Chakra & Co.

Love and light,

Kate & Annie